
Lest I Forget...

...This is my list of things to do before I die. This idea is shamelessly thiefed from my friend Wyatt, here. but I find it justifiable because he stole my number one, which i told him a while ago. He did, however forget the reasons, which i will asplain:

Number Five:
Bike across Europe. It can't be beautiful forever, especially with the modern disassociation with art and the constant lack of scruples when it comes to bombing historic and significant areas/buildings/cities.

Number Four:
spend two weeks in the wilderness alone, or with a select group of friends. Minimal contact with anyone else, or what's the point? I'm talking serious preparation, probably a kayaking/canoing trip on the amazon or something like that. Of course we'd have to buy supplies every few days along the way, but mainly just alone.

Number Three:
Be a member of a revolution. Or start one. Just as long as it has better and longer lasting consequences than the Russian Revolution. Something that actually helps people permanently. It might be to invent something, it might be to write a book, it might be to create a religion. Ever read the book cat's cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut? it's a great book. Being like Bokonon would be the most amazing thing ever.

Number Two:
Come up with something that achieves semi-major attention. this is difficult for me, because i don't naturally seek attention at all. I'm naturally shy and out of the way. I want to, just one time and certainly no more, have a little bit of the spotlight. Mostly to prove to myself that I really wouldn't like it.

Numero Uno, a.k.a. the big cheese, a.k.a. number one, a.k.a. my only significant mark on the earth:

By jumping out of a plane without a parachute.

"WHAT???? That's totally the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It really is."

no, it's not, and here's why:
first of all, this is when i'm 80-something or 90-something and in poor health. so i'd be dying soon anyway. second, think about it: either your last sensation would be of falling, almost forever and for the last time, or it would be of every bone in your body breaking. And no one will ever know for sure, at least not until they're dead. If it's the first option, that would be pure ecstasy. if it's the second, it would be proof that you were the most amazing person ever.

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