

FBI Learns OF Plot To Download Old School

^^This article is why i love The Onion.  I don't really feel like i deserve to read things this funny. It's totally true, too. There is absolutely no point in any of the laws against downloading music or videos. 3 cents is not worth the amount of trouble it takes to arrest or prosecute someone who steals a movie. I'm not saying that it's a good thing to steal, or to download things illegally, I'm just saying that it's pointless to try and stop it. it's like trying to cover up the sky.


sipping coke

So here I sit
In my aeroplane
Drinking, sipping

While somewhere in the dark
A man dies of AIDS
A woman is raped

And what do I care?
I’m 3000 miles above
Above them all

Drinking, sipping

An addict is run over in the streets of New York
By a hummer
But I don’t drive a hummer

I’m 3000 miles above it all
And so is the captain
The flight attendants

And me
And them

But not…
The tired, the poor, the huddled masses

Not ours.
We can’t support that number of people
A child starves in Mexico, Iraq, Sudan, The Phillipines, and never makes a sound

He knows that we’re all too far to hear him
3000 miles.

Sipping, drinking, sipping coke.