
Cold Weather

It's been very cold here the past few weeks. This is a shot of a branch outside our house. I realized after taking it that you can't tell that it was attached to the tree, and it sort of looks like I was holding it there. I wasn't, it was still attached to the tree. Anyway, whether by popular demand or my own desires, i changed the template. I didn't get any negative feedback, only three people who thought it was better. I also like it better, because it is brighter. I'm not really a dark person. I'm not sure i like the intensity of the blue, but it certainly is better than the black. this is likely the last time i'll change the template for a while, unless someone would like a change in sidebar-size or color or similar. Well, i guess that's it for today!


Valentines Day

Happy Valentine's day, everybody! Yeah. I ate a whole box of chocolate today. I was planning to give someone a valentine, but we didn't have school today because of ice (ummmm, sort of), and my plans were foiled. The upsides were, of course, we didn't have to go to school and i got to sleep until 1:00 P.M. (not joking about this, either).


2-3 things (depending on whether i remember the third thing)

Hey. You may have noticed, although probably not, that in the sidebar there is a link to a flickr site. it is mine, and if you are viewing this in some medium other than the regular blogspot page, the link points to http://flickr.com/photos/spiritfox. The second thing is, that i have created, half by accident, a new layout for my blog, but unless people like it more, i don't want to go to the trouble of changing it. the new template can be found here: http://spiritfox12.googlepages.com/index.html (yes, the "index.html" is actually neccessary because of the way google pages works.) If i were to change the template, the sidebar would include the section about what i'm reading, my albums of the week, etc.
and the third thing..... uuuhhhh....

Oh yeah. from now on, i will try to post once a week, each post with the best photo I've taken that week. Partially because a.I have recently noticed that most of the thousands of pictures i've taken are crap, and b. I want to have something to blog about that isn't really boring. a is based on the expression "practice makes perfect."