
Cool Band

Hey. I went to an indie concert last night at which i was supposed to meet some people. Of course, me being me, and them being them, they didn't show. except wyatt, who left without telling me after 5 mins. Anyway, they missed a 50% decent concert. Philip Uster and The House Floor opened, and they were actually the best of four bands that i saw. they're here. I like Spy Vs. Spy. Anyway, they're really cool. check it out.


Senatorial Race

Hey. If you live in my state and are of voting age please consider the following:

When senator George Allen was asked to comment on his noose, he was quoted as saying this. "I mean, it's a family heirloom. It's been in the family for generations. My father used it, his father used it before him. I'm proud to continue my family's heritage by using it myself today." Now ask yourself: do you want a man who even OWNS a NOOSE? let alone keeps one in his office? even if this wasn't a real quote (what are the chances?), he actually HAS a NOOSE in his office. not to mention his ads suck. they state that marriage between two people of the same gender would "cut against the foundations of our beliefs." I believe that this freedom would do no such thing. the notorious "No. 1" ammendment would enforce allen's views. The ammendment to the VA constitution in question deprives thousands of virginia citizens of their basic rights.