So.... nice weather we're having!
i'm only posting because i'm at the beach and i got really into my blog a year ago when i was at the beach so i think i owe it to my past self to blog now. I don't really have anything to say, except that i've discovered that priests are proof that the human race will go extinct. Humans developed into the "dominant" race on earth because we evolved to have "more intelligence" than other animals. apparently, as in the book Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut, our big brains create too much interference among all those tiny circuits to continue our obvious darwinian goal, which is to reproduce. Priests and those who choose to remain chaste are deciding to be, from a darwinian standpoint, completely useless in the continuation of the human race. if the first men had to be efficient, one would think that any genes that coded for lack of sexual drive would have been killed off pretty early on. but apparently we, no longer using our intellect solely for food, have created positions in which continuation of the human race is not the main concern. as computers such as the one i am typing on now grow in power, they will eventually be able to contol the planet by themselves. This will allow more and more people to die without reproducing, and when aliens find our planet trillions of years from now, they will find robots, whether still operational or not, and no humans and possibly no animals. they will be very confused if the robots are still running.