hmmm... stupid thoughts about the meaning of life and rantings
maybe it would have been better if man hadn't come up with agriculture. if you think about it, we'd all be living exactly the same: hunting every day for food. no division of labor, which allows for control of others, and corruption. No abusing nature: we'd still be a part of nature. no pondering the meaning of life (we wouldn't have time). Unfortunately, we did discover/invent (very confusing words) agriculture. And now, in 2006, i find myself pondering questions that have existed for thousands, even millions of years. what is the purpose of life? first off: It must absolutely depend on your beliefs. if you believe in a deity, or something to that effect, a heaven, an afterlife, your purpose in life will generally be to make the time on this earth more bearable for others around you. If you believe in logic and logic alone, which is in itself a flawed system, you will eventually come to the conclusion that you should do whatever will give you the most pleasure, because that is what will a. forward the human race, due to our instinct, and b. please us for that reason and that alone, because we like it. no further explanation will ever be given. I will now explain my previous statement that logic is flawed. about fifty percent of logic is based on the idea that if an event or series of events or a consequence of an action is repeted many times, it will always happen that way. for instance, if a ball is dropped, it will be pulled towards the body which exerts the most gravity or other force on it. this is completely stupid, if you really think. So what if it's happened before. maybe the ball will fall upwards. maybe it has already happened, and maybe it never will again, but there is simply no sense basing anything on the scientific laws. you might as well believe in a religion.
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