
I love summer...

...mostly. My legs hurt. A lot. and by a lot I mean just about as close to 2nd degree burns you can get from the sun. I even used sunscreen.

Anyway, they got like that because I was just on a Boy Scout trip on the New River. I was in a canoe with Adam the first day, and a kayak the second. I really like these trips, because you can carry as much as you want, really, but moreso this trip: we were camping at a real campsite (not like the island from last year), and we drove the cars with all our gear over to it. So really we didn't have to worry about swamping because most people were only carrying snacks and water and sunscreen. It was essentially two perfect days for canoeing, about 75 degrees (F), dry and breezy. so basically it was the perfect trip. I only wish it was longer. All the canoing zen masters of the troop (except for Phil Pickett whose grandmother died the day before) were on the trip, so it was really fun. Not the best trip ever, because the campsite was surrounded by the tracks of a train that went by every fifteen minutes all through the night, but still pretty awesome. Never having been to the campsite (which had almost no trees), i packed my hammock instead of a tent. This was also fairly annoying. But in general, a really good trip.

other than that trip, I haven't really done anything this summer. ooo, forgot: My cell phone was almost killed in the wash yesterday. it still turns on, but only when it's plugged in to the charger. I think this means there's a water-induced short somewhere in the power, because it hasn't dried out yet. At least I hope so, because a cell phone you can't use except in your room is very nearly pointless.

It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
and I feel fine.

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