
two movies.

just watched two movies that i haven't seen, even though they've both been out a while. one was woody allen's newest movie, scoop. it was pretty cool. i think it'd be a better theatrical production than a movie, though. the other was MI:III, which i haven't seen yet. it was okay... not great, but okay, which for me is better than most action movies.

hipster PDA

hey. as you may have noticed, i have recently had a strong urge to blog but very, very little to blog about. to remedy this, i have gotten, or rather created, an (or is it a? i'm never sure about h) hipster PDA. you can see more about it here. i will write random crap in it whenever it strikes me, and i may or may not post that random crap here. in other words, if you don't understand a post, it came to me on the bus at 6:30 a.m.

edit: i did not mean that the hipster pda was my idea. i meant i found a cool idea from that site at 43folders and created a hipster pda. so no more confusion.