
first day of spring break!

so, yeah. today was our early release for the first day of high-school break. it was really fun, at least at first. above is a picture of jessica about to fall on leah's face out of a big tree on the duck pond.

So it was fun. until we went to squires. Leah was drawing on my shoes, with her gigantic bag of sharpees, when a policeman walks over and begins to tell us about how graffiti destroys the university. He said they were cracking down on taggers and that he would need all of our info. we had done nothing remotely destructive to property today, or any other day for that matter. so yeah, after that, we were free to leave. but it still freaked me out that because we "fit a profile," we were accountable for our age-group's sins. he came up to us and his first words were "are you all the kind of kids who ride skateboards and tag buildings?" like they went hand in hand. they don't. and we aren't.

"listen, son
said the man with a gun
there's room for you inside

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Yeah. that cop totally profiled us....but i suppose he was just doing his job. but i'm so sorry some random teenager tags on campus. it wasn't us, even if they'd like to think it was. well...that was my comment. good day. I said good day!