

hey, everyone! i hope this year goes down in history as the second-to-last year of the neo-con regime. even if it doesn't, though, i hope it will at least go into the history books as a year that people started to care about the world we live in, began to show empathy for people around the world. In any case, i had a decent new year's eve. i went to Lucy's house for a party that was meant for adults, but the teens had been invited, too. the guys got locked out of everything the girls were doing, though, and it turns out Lucy had tried to get her parents not to invite us. so that wasn't so great. but it was fun, anyhow. i feel like i can make a difference, for once. i feel like it's a time for new life, almost like it's spring. i'm glad the Roman calendar puts the new year in winter, when everything's bare and the trees aren't as lush as normal. it gives the winter a warmer feeling.

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